
I am starting to appreciate and relate to poetry, which is strange. Right now, I am liking Arabic prose and I find to be very expressive. I will not claim that I've bought any books, for I haven't, but I do intend to do so really soon. Right now, I am getting my quota from Arabic songs and for the first time in my life, I watched the program on Arabiya called "Rwafed" or Remnants. Below is Reem Banna's song:

شوق العواصِف

يا جذر جذري !! انني سأعود حتماّ
فانتظرني . انتظرني في شقوق الصخر ،
والأشواك ، في نوارة الزيتون ، في
لون الفراش ، وفي الصدى والظل ،
في طين الشتاء وفي غبار الصيف ،
في خطو الغزال، وفي قوادم كل طائر..
شوق العواصف في خطاي ،
وفي شراييني ..
نداء الأرض .. قاهر
أنا راجع فاحفظنَ لي
صوتي .. ورائحتي .. وشكلي
يا أزاهر
إحفظن لي
صوتي .. ورائحتي .. وشكلي ،
يا أ .. ز .. ا .. ه .. ر !!


jessyz said…
Here's a really great site to get you started.

Poetry in general is beautiful, Arabic poetry is awesome because of the richness of the language and the fluidity of it all.
Sina said…
Thanks for the link, it has everything.
and yeah, I never really noticed because my only subjection to poetry was through school and I hated everything at that time.Not all poetry is great, but I tend to like poetry that's not romantic; prose that talk about the country really appeal to me, as those who speak of the states of mind and the human condition.

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