I am starting to appreciate and relate to poetry, which is strange. Right now, I am liking Arabic prose and I find to be very expressive. I will not claim that I've bought any books, for I haven't, but I do intend to do so really soon. Right now, I am getting my quota from Arabic songs and for the first time in my life, I watched the program on Arabiya called "Rwafed" or Remnants. Below is Reem Banna's song:
شوق العواصِف
يا جذر جذري !! انني سأعود حتماّ
فانتظرني . انتظرني في شقوق الصخر ،
والأشواك ، في نوارة الزيتون ، في
لون الفراش ، وفي الصدى والظل ،
في طين الشتاء وفي غبار الصيف ،
في خطو الغزال، وفي قوادم كل طائر..
شوق العواصف في خطاي ،
وفي شراييني ..
نداء الأرض .. قاهر
أنا راجع فاحفظنَ لي
صوتي .. ورائحتي .. وشكلي
يا أزاهر
إحفظن لي
صوتي .. ورائحتي .. وشكلي ،
يا أ .. ز .. ا .. ه .. ر !!
Poetry in general is beautiful, Arabic poetry is awesome because of the richness of the language and the fluidity of it all.
and yeah, I never really noticed because my only subjection to poetry was through school and I hated everything at that time.Not all poetry is great, but I tend to like poetry that's not romantic; prose that talk about the country really appeal to me, as those who speak of the states of mind and the human condition.