On any given 10 minutes

What goes on my mind:

so, this is how they do sales, hmm, I wonder if it's the same in that company, I wonder whether I can manage something like that, big network of inter lapping functions, you have to be the brain of everything, what if I don't know how? Ahh, the assignment, I haven't even thought about it, I should put the framework by the end of the week, have to meet this person and this person, I want to be home by 8 pm today because I want to catch this movie, but it's already 7:30, no way. Oh, well. Someone is talking to me, say sth. Can't get anything together, it was a joke, smile. Wonder how I will be like in 10 years, how my life will be, will I like my life, will I be more content? When do I become this sophisticated person, who's 100 percent sure of herself, hmm...what do you think this manager is thinking right now? don't know. How do people get all those creative ideas? I am hungry, when I get home should I order sth or raid the fridge? I am already hard on cash. Ohh, the financial base of the assignment, I have to meet with this person to figure it out, I should at least have the base of everything by the end of the week. What? we have to go on field? What about the assignment?When will I do it? Ok... deep breaths, everything is going to be alright, don't panic. Can people tell that I am panicing? I don't think so. Time to work now, come on.


jessyz said…
I hate that, I even do that when I am out having fun. I have to force my brain to slow down and keep reminding myself to Hell with the consequences of everything.
Sina said…
Yeah, me too.
It's awful, but sometimes kind of useful too.

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