It's been a while

I have been MIA for a while and I have no explanation for this, except to say that I am desperately trying to make way in my new job. It's a very competitive arena and I am the only girl (the other one never showed up) in the lot, which makes me something like a sitting duck.
Anyhow, it's not really that bad, people there are nice and the boys aren't really annoying, sometimes I actually enjoy myself.

The other day we had a treasure hunt in Azhar park, for team building purposes. We ran and walked 13 kilometers, hurrying from one station to another, solving clues, depending on our team and encouraging ourselves. My leg kept cramping and I vomited twice (from the physical exertion and the jitters). It was a new experience and at one time I actually carried one of my team mates (bye bye personal space, it was nice knowing you). My team came in second (20 seconds difference) and I was really bummed. Now I keep thinking, maybe if I pushed myself harder, maybe if I did this or that (I already have a headache). On the other hand, we beat two other teams; all males- no one injured, so it wasn't really that bad. I mean, we finished all the race, did all the stations and everything.

After the race was over, the company invited us for dinner in studio misr (the one in the park, that has a citadel view). It was really nice and the view is great. Anyhow, maybe next time it will be different.


Mohammad said…
excuse me, what exactly do u do?! I'm deadly curious! I wonder what job it is in which companies organize 13 km races!
Sina said…
Well, without going into specifics, I am training in a multi-national. The race was part of the team building activities.

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