New things that happened during the last 24 hours

  • Cut my hair myself then freaked out and went to the hairdresser's who kinda fixed it.
  • Decided that I will shun the idiot box (TV) because it's really depressing and makes me idiotic (Go Figure!!).
  • I set myself free from stress.
  • I realized the truth about my life.
  • I decided a couple of things that aren't so bad.
  • I decided to do some of the procrastinated tasks.
  • I started to save money for my trip to Greece (YA RAB EL MARADY!!)

All in all the day was full of realizations and it was a bit stressful, but nice.


Deeeeeee said…
You're saving up for Greece? That's the only nice thing I heard/read over the week!
Xero said…
WOW .. that's a lot of stuff for one day .
great stuff actually (i like girls with short hair :P )
Greece yay ... how much does it cost ??
i had similar plans for a trip to Turkey (the cheaper -out-of-Egypt trip[ i know of ) .
all in all , way to go girl :D
Sina said…
dee: you know it's probably going to be my death wish, Greece to me seems like Valhalla to the vikings

Zero: Thanks, made my day!! :)
As for Turkey, I went there last summer and I would totally recommend it. Such a great country and the people there are really nice especially when they know you're Egyptian.
As for greece, it costs 7 thousand or sth including visa and all, but since my trip is kinda different, I need more money.

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