
I am the sort of person who refuses to believe that someone who's rational all their life will be incapable of making sound decisions when faced with an emotional situation. If your left hemisphere has been dominant than chances are it's going to be dominant even when the right hemisphere threatens to revolt. Everything can be seen in its true light and given its right size, you just have to be brave and suffer for that courage.

You always know the right decision, but it won't be made if you let the right hemisphere overpower your judgment. So, to the right decisions, may they always be made no matter how hard they seem.


Anonymous said…
amen to that!
Anonymous said…
Much much easier said than done. Emotions have an amazing ability to cloud and deceive even the most logical amongst us.
Sina said…
Ibhog: Amen indeed.

Mindify: true, but in my case I knew the right decision and done it, not easy, but logic prevailed.
insomniac said…
ya sina!

right decisions are not solely logical and neither are they completely unemotional...

the right decision is not the one the left hemisphere makes for the right hemisphere to revolt...

right decisions are contingent to situations and to the people involved in those situations...

so in your case, it is the right decision to you because you prefer logic, and so it be...

that being said, you rock ;)
Sina said…
I know, but just let me believe in the division between the two, I need it to survive :)

You're the one who rocks ya Merry ;) and a great friend.

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